Style Icon: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Cats in My Closet
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Style Icon: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

I swear, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is the coolest person to walk the planet.

She’s a 23-year-old Japanese model and renowned J-pop singer with a kooky kawaii™style inspired by the exaggerated fashion spotted in Harajuku. She’s probably best known in the states for her single “PONPONPON” because that music video is totally bonkers in the most mesmerizing way.

I wouldn’t necessarily say that KPP has a “signature” look, but she tends to incorporate elements of decora and some IRL candy queen action. She also has an obvious love affair with wigs (I mean, don’t we all, though?)  One of the traits I tend to gravitate towards sartorially is when people embrace their inner weirdness.
I’m so ready for this girl to take over the world.
‘Til next time, kittens!