Do you ever have days where you feel completely overwhelmed? Like nothing you do is coming out right; deadlines are piling up; you can’t even bother putting on pants or leaving the house to go a block up the street, so you order loaded cheese fries for delivery to cope; and the thought of seeing a real-life person or taking the tiniest effort to socialize makes you want to vomit and cry at the same time? Read More
First things first, I’d like to wish all of you a Happy New Year! Jordan and I were both exhausted from moving into our new apartment on New Year’s Eve, but we managed to make it all the way to the midnight champagne toast at our friends’ house party, so I’m pretty proud of us even if we were in bed by 12:15.
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Whenever I’m in a style rut, I’ll watch this movie and cry silently to myself about how perfect Andie’s outfits are–serious wardrobe envy. If you think about it, the most interesting characters–Duckie, Iona, Jenna–have such a striking (albeit outlandish) aesthetic; I’m sure the director had that in mind as a way of segmenting those with and without money in the film.

Above, I’ve put together a spring-themed modern interpretation of Andie’s style. I’ve included a lot of quirky accessories (notice the solitary earring of look three?) and vintage pieces, as she’s a thrifty kind of gal. This bowler hat by Topshop is a perfect lightweight headpiece staple for the spring/summer season. I was also fawning about how much the pink dress from H&M resembles the one from the film; too bad it’s sold out 🙁
Until next time, kittens!
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I’m so sorry to have been on hiatus for so long! But good things are in store: I finally bought a DSLR camera + tripod + remote. Which means I’ll no longer be using my shotty iPhone camera for outfit shots, and I won’t have to rely on anyone to take photos for me anymore. (Plus, I’m really awkward when I have pictures taken by other people, kind of like that episode of Friends when Chandler has trouble naturally smiling in photos).
My awkward factor didn’t completely dissapate in these photos, as Jordan and I were on the way to dinner, and I asked Jordan to take a few shots of my outfits. I’d say he did a damn good job for a first timer; he was so into taking pictures that he kept taking them the rest of dinner. He took some pretty unsightly photos of me eating that’ll make their place in a scrapbook one day.
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I recently purchased this high-low skirt at Target, which by the way has severely stepped up their game in the home + clothing departments, and realized that it is the only high-low skirt I own. For shame, because it’s wonderfully flowy & comfortable, AND it has polka dots on it—my obsession, as you’ll come to find out as CICH progresses. I think I’m going to use this skirt as a pattern to make my own using this gorgeous lavender silk fabric I picked up over the summer.
Collar Clips – Christmas Gift